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Disability Services

The mission of the Blinn College District Office of Disability Services (ODS) is to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to their educational pursuits. We provide students’ an opportunity to obtain their academic goals by fostering inclusion and support.

The Office of Disability Services provides a variety of accommodation and services for individuals with disabilities, and we encourage students to overcome challenges and attain personal and academic success.

We look forward to working with you during your tenure at Blinn College District.

Contact Us

Bryan Campus Brenham, Schulenburg, Sealy, and Waller Campuses RELLIS Campus
Building D, Suite 160
Phone: 979-209-7251
Fax: 979-209-7558
Administration Building, Rm. 104 
Phone: 979-830-4157
Fax: 979-830-4410
Schwartz Building, Suite 230
Phone: 979-209-8947 
Fax: 979-475-1289
ADA/Section 504 Coordinators
Bryan and RELLIS Campuses
Building D, Suite 160
Brenham, Schulenburg, Sealy, and Waller Campuses
Brenham Campus, Administration Building, Rm. 104

IMPORTANT! Please do not use the internet to contact us regarding an emergency requiring immediate action. We cannot ensure that email will be answered immediately. In case of an emergency, call 911 or use the MHMR Crisis Helpline at 1-888-522-8262.

Visit your respective campus for referral information.

Disability Services Home Modified Attendance and Deadline Agreement Instructions Personal Care Attendants RELLIS Campus Testing FAQs Interpreting Services Testing Procedures Blinn College Office of Disability Services Testing and Assessment Accommodations Letters of Accommodation (LOA) Process Making the Transition From High School to College for Students With Disabilities About Disability Services Information for Current Students Disability Services for Future Students Student Resources Faculty Resources Service and Assistance Animals Disability Services Forms